For Dental Payers:
DentaFee™ In-Network Report
The data to accurately understand how your fee schedule compares to the rest of the dental market
When planning updates to in-network fee schedules, you can access actual, non-imputed market data segmented by specialty, CDT code and 3-digit ZIP code.
Fluent in fee benchmarking
Gain the data you need to examine and adjust your fee schedules.
The DentaFee™ In-Network Report from Fluent
You know network dynamics vary by geography, provider specialty and consumer habits. It helps to have a trusted source of data to understand how those dynamics compare across the market when planning your fee schedules — a source that lets you compare and benchmark your fee schedules to the market so you can assess competitiveness.
The new DentaFee In-Network Report is based on actual de-identified and aggregated in-network claims data from Fluent’s multi-payer dental fee-for-service claims database, DentaBase®.
With the DentaFee In-Network Report you can:
Understand the average fee schedules for in-network dental services
- Nationally
- In any state
Compare the pricing impacts of fee schedules for your in-network dental services to those for the rest of the country
- By state
- By 3-digit ZIP code
Use the insights to tune your in-network fee schedules to better maintain provider participation
Make fee decisions that drive patient satisfaction
Maintain competitive pricing
Be more competitive in employer/broker sales discussions
Unique features of the DentaFee In-Network Report
This report is not like every other network fee report. Our methodology delivers three key differences critical for the most accurate fee schedule planning:
- Actual, Non-imputed Data: Benchmarks in the report are based exclusively on actual in-network claims data from Fluent’s multi-payer dental claims database, DentaBase. No imputed data is included.
- Data Segmented by Specialty: We break out our analysis by provider specialty so you have all the granular detail needed to make the best fee schedule decisions to support your network participation.
- Separate from Out-of-Network Data: Some reports co-mingle out-of-network data with in-network, muddying the view. Our report does not include out-of-network data.
The result is you get the most clear, most accurate fee schedule insights to make business decisions.
Contact Us
Get the full picture on in-network fees for one or several states. Guide your fee schedule adjustments using real data points. Ask us about the DentaFee In-Network Report.